Dealing with pests in 2020

Dealing with pests in 2020

2019 was a big year for pests. It was widely known the rat population within the UK dramatically increased, as well as the flea population throughout the summer. 2020 is already looking like it may surpass 2019 so here is a short article to get you prepared for the New Year.

The short time we’ve been in 2020 we have noticed a lot of customers explaining they have rodent problems, this is largely to do with the drop in temperature and rodents looking for harbourage from the cold weather and coming into people’s homes. Here at Pest-Expert we specialise in the most effective products and treatments for ridding your home of any unwanted rodents. From poison to glue traps and humane traps, whatever your preferred method, we have it covered.

In 2019 we saw a rise in fleas, this has continued into 2020 and summer 2020 is supposed to be particularly bad for fleas. They are generally a lot more prevalent in the summer months so get prepared in advance to avoid struggling in the summer. From fumigation devices such as smoke bombs and foggers to residual sprays and powders, we have everything you need to eradicate fleas once and for all.

Bed bugs are always a common problem and with the amount people travel set to increase in 2020, the frequency bed bugs can move around can infest your home will increase too. In 2020, here at Pest-Expert, we brought out a brand new insecticide formulated for the rapid control of bed bug infestations. Pest Expert Formula 'P+' Advanced Bed Bug Killer Spray Insecticide Concentrate is the only product on the UK market to contain three active ingredients, makes it unrivalled in its ability to rapidly control all levels of bed bug infestations, from minor to severe. The unique professional grade formulation has only recently been approved for amateur use.

This is just an overview of some of the most common pests and the best way to eradicate them. Stay ahead of the game and choose Pest Expert.