Dealing with Pests this Christmas

Christmas is a time where there is a lot of people in and around the house and there is also a lot of food about which can bring unwanted visitors into the property.


Rats are always attracted to properties that provide their essential needs, so food, water and shelter. At Christmas winter is in full flow, meaning it is cold and rodents are looking for harbourage from the cold weather, usually in people’s houses. In addition, there is always a lot of food and waste around the holiday season which in turn attracts rodents to the property so it is a never ending circle. There are several ways to get rid of rats in the property ranging from glue traps and poison to humane traps, they all vary in efficacy.

Glue Traps

Glue traps are guaranteed to provide rapid knockdown of any level of rat infestation. The industrial plasticised board and extra strong adhesive ensures that even the largest size of UK rats will be caught and trapped. Rat Glue Boards are widely regarded as the fastest and most effective method of rat control and an ideal product to use where other rat control measures have been unsuccessful or unsuitable.


Poison is the most commonly used method of rat control. It is ideal for use in residential properties and can be used both indoors and outdoors to eliminate rat infestations in loft spaces, kitchens, living areas, gardens and sheds. Not only is it suitable for domestic residences but is also effective for eradication of rat populations in commercial premises such as restaurants, farms and factories.