A warning has been issued in the UK after an outbreak of the spruce bark beetle. These eight toothed pests are known to destroy conifer Christmas trees such as spruce, pine and fir. The outbreak was founded in several locations in the Ashford, Kent area....
There are two types of rat commonly found in the UK, one being the Brown Rat and the other the Black Rat. They look and behave quite similar, however there are differences.
Bobby, a West Highland Terrier, was found by a district nurse in a filthy cage under the stairs in a flea infested cupboard during a visit at Yvonne Mcallister’s house.
Conservationists in the Galapagos Islands are using drones to help eradicate rats that are threatening populations of indigenous birds. The drones have dropped poison on nearly half North Seymour Island in an attempt kill of the invasive species....