7 reviews

Flea Treatment Kit for 1 Room

£24.95 20.79)
Product Code: PEFKSTD
Stock Status: In Stock
This Flea Treatment Kit is designed to treat a flea infestation affecting one room and includes Pest Expert Formula 'C' Flea Spray, Pest Expert Natural Flea Powder and insecticidal flea bombs. Our Flea Kits contain a selection of our best flea products to help you carry out a successful flea treatment, eradicate a cat or dog flea infestation in your home and maintain long-lasting flea control.
Product Code: PEFKSTD
Stock Status: In Stock
This Flea Treatment Kit is designed to treat a flea infestation affecting one room and includes Pest Expert Formula 'C' Flea Spray, Pest Expert Natural Flea Powder and insecticidal flea bombs. Our Flea Kits contain a selection of our best flea products to help you carry out a successful flea treatment, eradicate a cat or dog flea infestation in your home and maintain long-lasting flea control.
This Flea Treatment Kit contains a selection of our best flea-killer products sufficient to treat a cat or dog flea infestation in one room.
  • Combination of flea killer products delivers fast knockdown
  • Maintains long-lasting flea control for up to 12 weeks!
  • Includes flea spray, flea powder and flea bombs
  • Contains natural powder safe for treating pet bedding.

Product information
Our Flea Kits contain a selection of products to help you carry out a successful flea treatment and eradicate a cat or dog flea infestation in your home. This Kit is designed for treating an infestation affecting one room.

Our Kits include our best-selling insecticide Pest Expert Formula 'C' Flea Spray which as well as killing on contact also offers long-lasting flea control. Also supplied is twinpack of Formula 'P' Flea Bombs for fumigating the room and Pest Expert Natural Flea Powder – a natural, pesticide-free flea killer that is safe enough to treat pet bedding.

This Kit includes:
1 x 1 litre
Pest Expert Formula 'C' Flea Spray: A highly-effective insecticidal spray that offers both fast-acting and long-lasting flea control. Containing three powerful active ingredients, including an Insect Growth Regulator, Formula C+ kills fleas on contact and also leaves an insecticidal residue that continues to protect for up to 12 weeks, killing eggs and nymphs as they transition through the life cycle stages. One litre will treat approx 50 sq m and it can be applied directly to carpets.

1 x Pest Expert Natural 
Flea Killer Powder:  A completely natural flea-killing insecticide. Containing Chrysanthemum Cineraraefolium, a pesticide-free flea killer, it is perfectly safe for use in homes with children and pets and can even be used to treat pet bedding. It is perfect for areas spray cannot be used eg: around electrical goods and sockets.

2 x Formula 'P' Flea Bombs: A highly effective fumigation device. After lighting, the Flea Bomb releases a permethrin smoke which fumigates a room, killing adult dog and cat fleas.  One twin pack will treat an average-size room (4m x 3m).

Directions for use
All our Flea Kits are supplied with a professional advice sheet containing step-by-step instructions on how to use the products to carry out a successful treatment.

Flea treatment of the home should always be carried out alongside treatment of your pet(s), if this is the source of the infestation. Always see a qualified veterinarian for advice on the best flea products to treat your pet.

If you have a more widespread infestation then please see our larger Flea Kits, which contain the same professional-grade products but in greater quantities.

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Customer reviews

(7 Customer reviews)
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Showing 1 to 5 (8).

Lovely stuff! Finally flea-free - will continue to use Pest-Expert for any pest control products!

David | Wigan | March 2019

Incredibly satisfied with the products within this kit! Exceed expectations for sure!

Marshall | Preston | March 2019

Always use Pest Expert and just received another delivery. Nothing but good products from these guys! The kit 1 worked as all their products do - well!!!!

Jamie | Exeter | March 2019

Good product and timed delivery! The Formula C was especially effective but all the products together worked well to eradicate out minor flea issue!

Lynne | Glasgow | March 2019

Easy to order and the products were easy to use! The step-by-step advice sheet really helped me out! The fleas have gone as quick as they came!

Carl | London | March 2019

Showing 1 to 5 (8). Page 1 of 2.

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    Pest Expert
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